The views presented on these pages are the views of the author (AWM) and are mainly results of author's scientific work (see given references). Some of it was presented in author's PhD thesis only (in Polsh) or was never published, though often used.
These pages summarize author's experiences with adsorption and author's view on adsorption - mainly from the point of view of the theory of adsorption on heterogeneous surfaces. Presented text, equations and data (experimental or model) are not in any measure complete and are not intended as the sole source of adsorption knowledge. Quite contrary - a list of books is supplied where most current adsorption knowledge is presented. However, the author's intent was to give some guidance to the adsorption newbies who are disoriented when it comes to application of fresh-of-the-book knowledge in practice.
The data & tools presented on these 'UTIL' pages are the result of author's work or have been prepared in a new form. E.g. density of solution or activity coefficient as a analytical function of solute concentration (approximation), that may be easily used in programs/worksheets etc.
Other group is made of various programs (Fortran/Basic/Pascal) coded by the author (AWM) or supplied by some other persons that may be useful in various theoretical or experimental tasks.
- Content
Practically all presented content was freshly prepared (text, equations, model calculations and pictures) for this WWW page. If some scientific data was earlier published, it is presented in a new form in order to avoid any copyright violation.
- HTML coding
- everything was hard-coded by myself (AWM) in pure text mode (just NotePad); some tricks were necessary with equations (Equation Editor -> gif).
- HTML conformance
- this page conforms to HTML 4.01 (static).
- Script language
- I did include some scripts and more enhancements with JavaScript will come soon. For some content (see above) enabling Java translator in your browser may be crucial. However, I may guaratee that none of the code I supply is intended to make any harm to your software/hardware environment. If you are afraid of Java in web environment, you may ask by e-mail for such code to be sent to you as an attachment.
- Best viewed
- at 1024x768 (XGA) in MS Internet Explorer 6 (Netscape's Navigator works also nicely) - SVGA (800x600) or even VGA (640x480) should be OK too; I tried to use only simplest features - except for frames; access to these pages is also possible (though not so comfortable) with older browsers non-supporting frames or JavaScript.
- Language
- English - I tried to use it properly (taking as a guidance intended clarity and brevity of the text and not necessarily its style) - as best as I could without calling for help of a professional translator; if you know of some language error - please let me know. Some of my sentences may be too long - however my mother tongue (Polish) likes/tolerates veeeery loooong sentences, so please forgive me.
© A.W.Marczewski 2002
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