© A.W.Marczewski 2002
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PC and IT: various resources:
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Various PC and IT resources (unordered)
Geek pages
PC & IT Magazines & News
- Paul Thurrott's SuperSite for Windows with Longhorn Aero Gallery
- BugNet.com - Provider of Software Bug Fixes
- TechNewsWorld.com All Tech, All the Time
- SoftwareAdvisor.net - SOFTWARE ADVISOR®
- MSAdvisor.com .NET MS Access, BackOffice, BizTalk, Excel, Exchange, IE, IIS
- eWEEK.com - The Enterprise Newsweekly
- archive.org - Internet Archive - WayBack Machine
- InternetWeek.com (TechWeb & CMP)
- ComputerUser.com - online security network & forums, technology software reviews
- SourceForge.net - largest Open Source software dev. website
- SourceForge.net - Labrea project
- Hackbusters.org
- SecurityFocus.com
- EnterpriseITPlanet.com - Security, Storage and Networking for the IT Professional (JupiterMedia)
- eEye.com Digital Security
- ITworld.com
- ProCompetition.org - Project to Promote Competition & Innovation in the Digital Age
- MSBoycott.com - The MSBC Superlist of Anti-Microsoft Web Sites
- MicroSuck.com and
fuckMicrosoft.com - Microsuck
- computer.org/publications - IEEE Computer Society - Publications Center
- computer.org - IEEE Computer Society
- listMoms.net/lists/ - Clio ListMom Cartel
- listMoms.net/lists - Platform Wars Discussion List
- Epinions.com
- StuffShop.com - Stuff Shop with Alien Stuff!!!
- DavesPlanet.net/store - Alien Technology Online Catalog
- Wired.com - News
- silicon.com - Breaking business and technology news
- News.com.com CNET's Technology news and business reports
- CNET.com CNET Networks (ZDNet, TechRepublic, Downloads.com etc.)
- TechRepublic.com - Real World. Real Time. Real IT (CNet - ZDNet)
- ZDNet.com - Information resources for IT professionals - ZDNet (Ziff-Davis)
- TechGuide.com - ITpapers
- Bitpipe.com - White Papers, Webcasts and Case Studies
- InformationWeek.com - The Business Technology Network
- WinNetMag.net - Windows & .NET Magazine Network
- win2000mag.com - Windows & .NET Magazine Network
- ITBuyNet.com - IT Buyerås Network
- Windows2000FAQ.com
- SQLmag.com SQL Server Magazine
- Penton.com (Penton Media)
- WindowsITLibrary.com (Windows & NET Magazine)
- ECommerceTimes.com - E- Commerce News
- www.PCPro.co.uk - PC Pro - Computing in the Real World
- SpamCop.net
- VeriTest.com - outsourced software and hardware testing ...
- www.microsoft.com/java - MS Java Resources
- SlashCode.com Slash Open Source Project
- msdn.microsoft.com/longhorn/ - Longhorn (Microsoft)
- OpenOffice.org Web site
- AcesHardware.com - Ace's Hardware
- circleID.com The internet as we know it is dying (article)
- ArsTechnica.com The PC enthusiast's resource
- hardocp.com - [H]ardOCP
- MaximumPC.com - Maximum PC, minimum BS
- SPECBench.org Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC)
- research.microsoft.com/research/ - MS Research Projects
- Neowin.net - Where unprofessional journalism looks better
- OsOpinion.com
- Gartner.com
- SlashDot.org News for nerds, stuff that matters
- TechExtreme.com - It's Technology at an Extreme...
- www.CERT.org - CERT Coordination Center
- PBS.org - PBS's Online NewsHour
- ComputerCops.biz - Information Security - portal & forums with online security nmap port scanner
- SANS.org - SANS Institute - Computer/Information Security Education/Training
- ComputerWeekly.com
- lists.Essential.org - mailing lists
- sci.NewsFactor.com Network - Sci-Tech News
- ComputerBytesMan.com
- www.NIPC.gov - National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC, US)
- ExtremeTech.com - Deep technology for enthusiasts and professionals
- SiliconHell.com Resources
- www.jargon.org - Jargon File Resources
- www.heise.de/ct/ - c't - magazin für computertechnik (De)
- www.heise.de/ct/english/ - Translations from c't magazine
- AnandTech.com
- ----------------
- HACKING.pl - Linux Windows & Security
- CHIP.pl - CHIP Online with newsroom.CHIP.pl (Pl)
- Wydarzenia w sieci Web (MS)
Linux & Unix News
Mac and On Mac
PC - Security, Tech, IP, WhoIs - general
- PestPatrol.com
- SecAdministrator.com Security Administrator
- SecurityFocus.com
- AtStake.com - @stake, Inc.
- WinDevNet.com - Windows Developer Network
- TechWeb.com The Business Technology Network
- CMPnet.com (CMP) (PCmag, UnixReview, TechWeb ...)
- PCMag.com PC Magazine - Computer, Software, Hardware and Electronics Reviews, Downloads, News and Opinion
- BYTE.com
- WinMag.com
- WinInformant.com Paul Thurrott's WinInfo
- uptime.NetCraft.com What's That Site Running Results - adsorption.org
- uptime.NetCraft.com What's That Site Running Results - windowsupdate.microsoft.com
- WinNetMag.com/magazine/ Windows & .NET Magazine
- www2.staff.fh-voralberg.ac.at - Karl's Mathematica 4 timings MMA 4.x.html
- search.CPAN.org
- Computing.Net
- PCHell.com - PC Hell Computer Hints and Tips to bring you back from the edge
- --- Polish ---
- WebInside.pl - php, flash, webmaster, html, szablony www, skrypty, skrypty PHP, html, webmaster, szablony, photoshop, kurs flash (Pl)
- Enter.pl - Magazyn Komputerowy ENTER
IP, WhoIs etc.
Anti-Spam, RBL etc.
Freeware and shareware downloads
GNU GPL, Open Source etc.
Hardware - PC
- wdc.com Western Digital Corporation (HDD)
- WDC.com Western Digital Corporation - EIDE drives Jumper Settings
- MEM 640 Real-Time Microcomputer Control II Web Page
- intel.com - Intel Corporation
- AMD.com Advanced Micro Devices, AMD (USA)
Geek |
PC&IT News (
Linux&Unix |
Mac )
PC Tech (
general security |
IP, WhoIs |
AntiSpam, RBL )
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