© A.W.Marczewski 2002

Reload ProgZone

HTML, XML, Scripting - WWW coding info:

see also: general programming with Scripting, Resources and Editors

HTML ( W3C Standard | CSS | Utilities | Math | Graphics | Characters | Pl | Colors )
XML etc. | WWW Scripting

HTML info:

NCSA with NCSA's (Archive) Beginner's Guide to HTML
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) with W3C recommendations

HTML at W3C (World Wide Web Consortium):
Maths and Graphics
UNICODE Standard (latest version / files: WWW or ftp , txt data table) code charts (pdf)
ISO/IEC standards (if you look for 'ISO ####', try also 'ISO/IEC ####')
Polish characters ( Ą Ć Ę Ł Ń Ó Ś Ź Ż ą ć ę ł ń ó ś ź ż )
my pl.HTML page - Polish characters - charsets, encoding, char-tables etc.
Polish Ogonki page (Polish) with code comparisons table (img)
Gzegzolka (Gżegżółka) - free codepage converter
ISO 8859-2 (Latin 2) Resources
Color on the Web (e-sRGB/sRGB site / organisations / ICC with links / sRGB '96 description )
Other HTML Sources

Other - XML, OPML etc.

JavaScript (see also resources and scripting)

JavaScript short link selection:
HTML ( W3C Standard | CSS | Utilities | Math | Graphics | Characters | Pl | Colors )
XML etc. | WWW Scripting
see also: general programming with Scripting and Resources

Main page

E-mail addresses are modified to in order to prevent spamming / mail-abuse:
in e-mail remove spaces, replace " AT@AT " by "@"

Send a message to Adam.Marczewski AT@AT umcs.lublin.pl
