© A.W.Marczewski 2003

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Polish characters in HTML

(Polish characters in MS Win, MS Office, WordPad, NotePad ... - instructions, kbd table, charsets)

Code table - Polish characters in HTML

Polish characters and their codes see NOTE
If your browser and fonts are OK you should see this Table OK - independently of any language/charset settings (HTML page, system or browser). Wherever ISO/Unicode is mentioned ISO/IEC 10646 and Unicode encoding standards are used in this document.
UPPERCASE Polish characters - ISO/Unicode and resp. HTML codes
Pl character
HTML result
Dec. code 260 262 280 321 323 211 346 377 379
HTML dec. code Ą Ć Ę Ł Ń Ó Ś Ź Ż
Hex. code 0x0104 0x0106 0x0118 0x0141 0x0143 0x00D3 0x015A 0x0179 0x017B
HTML hex. code Ą Ć Ę Ł Ń Ó Ś Ź Ż
lowercase Polish characters - ISO/Unicode and resp. HTML codes
Pl character
HTML result
ą ć ę ł ń ó ś ź ż
Dec. code 261 263 281 322 324 243 347 378 380
HTML dec. code ą ć ę ł ń ó ś ź ż
Hex. code 0x0105 0x0107 0x0119 0x0142 0x0144 0x00F3 0x015B 0x017A 0x017C
HTML hex. code ą ć ę ł ń ó ś ź ż

With the sole exception of upper/lowercase character pair Óó (accented Oo), all other Polish character pairs have their ISO/Unicode codes differing by one:
     lowercase_code = uppercase_code + 1

How to get Polish characters in MS Win, MS Office, WordPad, NotePad ... (kbd table)

(Polish characters in HTML - code table)

If Polish programmers' keyboard driver is installed and physical kbd layout is US:
   CapsLock = off
      lowercase - use: right_Alt + letter (see table)
      uppercase - use: Shift-right_Alt + letter (see table)
   CapsLock = on
      lowercase - use: Shift-right_Alt + letter (see table)
      uppercase - use: right_Alt + letter (see table)

Instead of using right_Alt, use this SEQUENCE:
   press [~] once then appropriate Key (or Shift-Key)
   (double [~] produces '~')

NOTE (polish kbd/lang drivers in MS Win)
If '~' is required in MS-DOS window (eg. in order to type 8.3 short names of files/folders) and if you cannot produce it by double pressing [~], use Numerical Keyboard (remember to turn [NumLock] = On):
    while pressing [left_Alt] key type 0126 (ASCII code for '~') on NumKbd.

Keyboard table - Pl programmer's kbd driver

Polish and Latin characters on the keyboard
Polish characters will be displayed properly in MS Win and applications if the proper fonts and kbd driver are installed.
If browser's (IE, Netscape) language code settings (Windows-1250, Latin2 or ISO-8859-2, IBM CP-852 or MS-DOS) agree with used characters' codes you'll see Polish characters in HTML.
UPPERCASE Latin & Polish characters - keyboard keys
standard kbd [key] Latin A C E L N O S X Z
[right_Alt] + [key]
or: [~][key]
Polish Ą Ć Ę Ł Ń Ó Ś Ź Ż
lowercase Latin & Polish characters - keyboard keys
standard kbd [key] Latin a c e l n o s x z
[right_Alt] + [key]
or: [~][key]
Polish ą ć ę ł ń ó ś ź ż

Keyboard table - any kbd driver - use Alt-(Num)0XXX method
windows-1250, ISO-8859-2 (Latin2) and CP852 (IBM852; used in MS-DOS) charsets

Polish characters on the keyboard
Polish characters will be displayed properly or not depending on the page and browser's (IE, Netscape ...) language code setting
(e.g. windows-1250, ISO-8859-2, CP852 etc.)
UPPERCASE Polish characters and Num kbd keys
charset Pl character Ą Ć Ę Ł Ń Ó Ś Ź Ż
e.g. copy from
Win applications
character ¥ Æ Ê £ Ñ Ó Œ ¯
Dec code
165 198 202 163 209 211 140 143 175
character ¡ Æ Ê £ Ñ Ó ¦ ¬ ¯
Dec code
161 198 202 163 209 211 166 172 175

e.g. copy from
MS-DOS window
character ¤ ¨ ã à ½
Dec code
164 143 168 157 227 224 151 141 189
lowercase Polish characters and Num kbd keys
charset Pl character ą ć ę ł ń ó ś ź ż
e.g. copy from
Win applications
character ¹ æ ê ³ ñ ó œ Ÿ ¿
Dec code
185 230 234 179 241 243 156 159 191
character ± æ ê ³ ñ ó ¼ ¿
Dec code
177 230 234 179 241 243 182 188 191

e.g. copy from
MS-DOS window
character ¥ © ˆ ä ¢ ˜ « ¾
Dec code
165 134 169 136 228 162 152 171 190

Copy and Paste examples

If you need to use some Polish characters in your text (but you don't want to play with html codes, charsets or language settings) you may try to open the following (charset and language-independent) documents and then Select -> Copy/Paste Polish characters into your document (your fonts must be able to display East European = EE or Central European = CE characters and software should understand Unicode standard):


Various codes and code standards for Polish characters - Ogonki page (Polish)
Code comparisons (Ogonki page) - table
Gzegzolka (Gżegżółka) - free codepage converter
HTML and CSS etc. links - see my HTML links
Names of character-sets (e.g. windows-1250, ISO-8859-2, cp852 ...) - at iana.org
HTML | Keyboard ( Kbd | NumKbd ) | Charsets | Examples | Links
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