A simple, free
url2hml.vbs VBScript is available for download as a zip archive
The file inside zip archive was renamed to 'url2html_vbs.txt'. After you unzip this file and after checking what it does and that it is harmless/OK rename this file
back to 'url2html.vbs'. 2nd file is an example of html output.
Comments There are lots of comments in the code. Some of those comments are displayed after running it.
- Script may be run in VERBOSE mode - try it only with small no. of URL files only!
- Inside the code the 'test' variable may be set to 'true' making script to display much more info on what it does.
- Another variable 'list' (default: 'true') controls the appearance of links - either unordered (set variable 'list_ordered' to 'false') <ul><li></li></ul> or ordered list <ol><li></li></ol>. If 'list' is 'false' the link entries are separated by line breaks <br>
- Variable 'fold_disp' (default is 'true') controls additional displays of various folder properties
- Variable 'write_headfoot' (default 'true' controls writing html <html>, <head> and <body> tags
- Variable 'url_target' controls the type of default target window for all links (default is "_blank" i.e. open link in new window) - InputBox is opened and user may change this behavior by supplying one of special names or his/her own window name).
Running There are several ways to run it (described also in the script source):
- The simplest way to run it is by dragging a folder with your URL's to url2html.vbs script icon
(all URL's in the folder will be used; no folder recursion is available, however).
- You may also drag icons of selected URL's in the same way (the 1st will be used as a source or pathname and all url-s in this folder will be processed).
- Another way (my preferred) is to create a shortcut to the url2html.vbs script in your context SendTo menu (Win: right-click). Then you may send the folder or group of files to this shortcut. The HTML code 'url_list.htm' is saved in the folder containing URL's.
- It may be also run from command line.
NOTE: file/folder parameters Only the first valid parameter (file or folder) is used - its FullPath is used - url2html.vbs utility reads ALL URL files in the folder and creates its html output. No folder recursion is possible. If you need only some of the url-s select them manually or sort them e.g. by date/time - selected portion may be copied/moved to some tmp folder and this folder may be processed.
NOTE: command line length limit If you drag the folder icon or several URL icons to this script the entire length of command line should not exceed 127 characters
NOTE: wsh 5.6 Windows Scripting Host 5.6 should be installed (for older machines may be dowloaded from MS).
NOTE: Polish/CE/EE ISO/Win/CP/IBM/Unicode encoding Polish characters are converted to the corresponding UNICODE html codes (currently set to Windows 1250 character code, search for 'conv = conv_Win1250' in the VBS code - you may change for other charset-encoded source files: iso-8859-2/Latin2, CP-852/IBM-852 (MS-DOS/PC-DOS), Unicode. Conversion was prepared according to my Pl char page).
None of the original files URL files (or any other file) is affected! No malicious code is executed or saved. The only file created (or overwritten if such a file already exists and script user agrees) is 'url_list.htm'. AWM.
Caution! Panda ActiveScan antivirus software gave warning that this file MAY BE a .VBS wirus - I informed the program maker about the problem. Funny thing, this program identified some versions of this script as possible virus and some not (while the version differences were meaningless).