© A.W.Marczewski 2002
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Scripting: overview
Scripting - scripting languages like VBScipt and JavaScript
- for web pages
- for file manipulations etc. (include here an old good MS-DOS command line / batch files):
- my Scripting languages links
- programming resources
- Microsoft's VBScript (similar to VBA, Visual Basic for Application) and JScript (similar to Java and JavaScript) - are part of MS Windows from '98 version, but necessary files (WSH - Windows Scripting Host) may be downloaded free from MS - very powerful in file manipulation and OS control (and not only) - local and remote. May be used from command line (text) or from Explorer shell (graphic). See MSDN Library then search for "Scripting" (WSH files and script examples) or MSDN Code page (various code examples).
Main page
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