© A.W.Marczewski 2002
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Text editors, Editors for programmers
- Comparisons
- emacs
- vi
- GNU GPL, Open Source or freeware
- ConTEXT programmers editor (www.FixedSys.com) (excellent freeware! [AWM])
www.cdNET.com.hr - cdNET forum - on ConTEXT editor
- SynEdit Developer Website (SynEdit.sourceforge.net)
- Syn Text Editor (Open Source) (Syn.sourceforge.net)
- FTE Text Editor (free GNU GPL) (FTE.sourceforge.net)
- JOE - Joe's own editor (Wordstar-like) (SourceForge.net)
- CoolEdit IDE (Integrated Dev. Environ.) (text editor) (CoolEdit.sourceforge.net)
- PFE - Portable Forth Environment (pfe.sourceforge.net)
- SciTE (free text editor) and Scintilla (www.Scintilla.org)
- Crimson Editor - Free Text, Html & Programmers Editor for Windows (www.CrimsonEditor.com)
- jEdit - Open Source programmer's text editor (free GNU GPL) (www.jEdit.org)
- NEdit.org - multi-purpose X Windows editor (GNU GPL) (www.NEdit.org )
- NoteTab Text & HTML Editors (freeware ver. avail.) (www.NoteTab)
- RTE - Cross-Browser Rich Text Editor (free), Mozilla Text Edit API (www.KevinRoth.com )
- nano editor (GNU replacement for Pico editor) (www.Nano-editor.org)
- Pico text editor (article from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
- CRiSP - CRiSP Text Editor (multiplatform) (www.CRiSP.com)
- PSPad - freeware HTML, PHP, JavaScript, ASP, Perl, XHTML, C, MySQL, CSS, HEX editor (www.PSPad.com)
- PFE (Programmer's File Editor) Home Page (freeware) (www.lancs.ac.uk)
- Win32Pad - freeware Notepad Replacement (www.gena01.com)
- Netpadd - Free Web Development Text Editor (www.Netpadd.com)
- Ted - an easy Rich Text Processor for X Windows (GNU GPL) (www.nllgg.nl)
- QuickEdit - free text editor
- LE text editor (GPL) (www.icewalkers.com )
- clone of Edlin (MSDOS line editor) on www.ibiblio.org
- WinSyntax - Free PHP Editor - Arisesoft (www.WinSyntax.com)
- FCKeditor - text editor for Internet (Open Source, free, lightweight) (www.FredCK.com)
- metapad text editor (free lightweight notepad replacement) (www.liquidninja.com )
- Xint - free text/HTML/CSS editor with security options (www.xtort.net)
- nPad2 - free text editor (www.zeraha.org)
- Unicode / multilingual HTML
- Other / various
- Kate (KDE Advanced Text Editor - linux) (Kate.kde.org)
- CE - simple unix text editor (jolomo.net)
- StrongED text editor (StrongED.iconbar.com)
- Web Dwarf V2 Text Editor (www.VirtualMechanics.com)
- QEdit for HP-UX and MPE (QEdit.com)
Qedit for Windows (www.robelle.com)
- DANA - advanced text processor (Win) (www.rimarts.co.jp)
- EditPad Pro - Text Editor for Windows and Linux (www.EditPadPro.com)
- VEdit - text, programming, hex & EBCDIC editor (www.VEdit.com)
- AlfaPad Notes Organizer - explorer-like text editor (www.alfaalfa.com)
- PNotepad - Programmers Notepad (www.PNotepad.org)
- Zeus - windows text, programmers editor and IDE, HTML, Text Editor, Notepad Replacement (www.ZeusEdit.com)
- WinEdit - Java, HTML, and Text Editor (complete IDE) (www.WinEdit.com)
- Boxer Text Editor (www.TextEditor.com)
- GWD Text Editor - Programmers Text Editor for Windows (www.GWDsoft.com)
- UltraEdit & UltraCompare - HEX, HTML, Programmers Editor (www.UltraEdit.com)
- EditPlus Text, HTML, Programmers Editor for Windows (www.EditPlus.com)
- TextPad - text editor for Windows (www.TextPad.com)
- NotesPad v.8.0 - 32-bit Windows Text Editor (www.Newbie.net)
- ExtremePad text editor (Extreme Productions)
- History of QED (cm-bell-labs.com)
- PEdit - Portable Programmers Text Editor (console, line-oriented) (earthlink.net)
- NTE (Network Text Editor) - shared test editor for use on the MBone (on www-mice.cs.ucl.ac.uk)
- HTML-Kit - for more than editing HTML (www.chami.com )
- MED - Programmers' Text Editor (www.pfersdorff.de)
- for MacIntosh only
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