© A.W.Marczewski 2002

A Practical Guide to Isotherms of ADSORPTION on Heterogeneous Surfaces

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ADSORPTION: prediction
wastewater systems
(some ideas)

General Integral Equation / GL (Generalized Langmuir) / All equations (preview)

Adsorption type ( Linear Langmuir plot / Graham plot / Consistency / Henry constant )
Popular isotherms ( Mono-, Multilayer, Experimental, Micro-, Mesoporous )
Data analysis: LSq data fitting / Heterogeneity: Global , σE / Linear plots / φ-function / Pores )
Prediction/Description of Multicomponent adsorption / Wastewater adsorption
Heterogeneity and Molecular Size ( Theory and Prediction / Simple binary isotherm )

Prediction of Adsorption in Wastewater Prediction of adsorption in wastewater - unlimited no. of components and variable composition. (Here are model pictures)

Proposed method assumes that all adsorbates are similar in chemical properties and their distributions af adsorption energies have the same shape but different position on energy axis (same heterogeneities, different adsorption equilibrium constants). Generally no limit of no. of components exists. Prediction requires data for simple (single-component or binary) systems.
In the light of the above presented prediction method as well as a heterogeneity vs. molecular size and heterogeneity study it is crude oversimplification. However, the usefulness of this approach may overcome its limits.
E.g. for wastewater treatment, where usually a large and only partially known no. and kind of pollutants is present. In such a case, if only an approximate mixture-profile is known, the adsorption of the entire mixture may be quite well predicted. In this way the right amount of adsorbent (e.g. active carbon) may be determined with a narrow margin error.
For more info consult these papers:

  1. "A Method of Investigation of Adsorption Equilibria on Active Carbons", A.W.Marczewski, A.Derylo-Marczewska and M.Jaroniec, Ochrona Srodowiska, 521/2-3(32-33), pp. 37-42, PZITS, Wroclaw (1987) (paper and oral presentation in Polish).
  2. "A Simple Method for Describing Multi-Solute Adsorption Equilibria on Activated Carbons", A.W.Marczewski, A.Derylo-Marczewska and M.Jaroniec, Chem.Engng.Sci., 45(1), 143-149 (1990), (doi).

Model pictures will be here

Adsorption type ( Linear Langmuir plot / Graham plot / Consistency / Henry constant )
Popular isotherms ( Mono-, Multilayer, Experimental, Micro-, Mesoporous )
Data analysis: LSq data fitting / Heterogeneity: Global , σE / Linear plots / φ-function / Pores )
Prediction/Description of Multicomponent adsorption / Wastewater adsorption
Heterogeneity and Molecular Size ( Theory and Prediction / Simple binary isotherm )

General Integral Equation / GL (Generalized Langmuir) / All equations (preview)

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